these two cities are port cities meaning that they are accessible tours to see making them great for Trade.
<em>Se puede ganar mucho, desde el punto de vista empírico yanalítico, del estudio comparativo sistemático de Canadá y Estados
<em>Unidos. </em><em>Ambos países comparten muchas condiciones ecológicas y demográficas</em><em>; sus niveles de desarrollo económico y de
<em>movilidad social son similares, y culturalmente tienen también
<em>mucho en común. Sin embargo, existen claros ejemplos de sus
Trustworthy someone is as a borrower. Bankruptcy is considered a last resort because it stays on someone's record for: one to four years Explanation:
am i right
That statement is false.
Many of the members of De Soto's expedition were carriers of diseases such as measles, smallpox, and chicken pox. Very few of American Indian have resistance to the disease because they never exist near their environment before.
As a result, the Infections ran rampant in the American Indian's community.
Since they did not have a medical knowledge to deal with it, the contagion resulted in a lot of deaths. Massively decreased American Indian's population.
Lovaas has demonstrated that there is a significant
improvement in regards with Autistic children using the intense individual behavioral
therapy. This kind of therapy is being used in a way of treating mental health
disorders and a way of having to identify and change the unhealthy behaviors
that is present in an individual.