The answer in the space provided is treason. Treason is an
act in which an individual is likely to engage of having to betray his or her
own country. This is considered to be a crime once an individual commits or
engage in this behavior.
overcame it
encountered little resistance but all of his army came out alive
The Importance of Education in Developing Countries. ... Education can be the catalyst needed to pull families and communities out of the cycle of poverty. Knowledge gives children the power to dream of a better future and the confidence needed to pursue a full education, which in turn will help generations to come.
Education gives people the skills they need to help themselves out of poverty or, in other words, into prosperity. ... Hence it is the education which can leads a person from poverty into prosperity. As we know that the agriculture plays a very important role in the development of a country.
Education leads to economic prosperity in the global marketplace. One of the most important effects education has on society is giving the people who live in a society the skills they need to compete in the global marketplace, and the skills they need to produce technological goods that can be sold on the open market.
yearn to possess or have (something).
yearn to possess or have (something).
Classical conditioning
In psychology, classical conditioning is a method of learning by pairing stimuli. Usually, first one stimulus causes a natural answer (the unconditioned stimulus causes an unconditioned answer), then this unconditioned stimulus is paired with another stimulus that doesn't cause an answer by itself at first but after some repetitions, the new stimulus (conditioned stimulus) causes the same answer from the unconditioned stimulus and this answer becomes the conditioned answer.
In this example, pets have learned to pair the sound of the electric can opener with the arrival of their canned food so they have learned to respond to this sound and therefore, they run toward the sound of the can opener even if there is no cat food present. <u>The can opener would be the conditioned stimulus which has been paired with the food (unconditioned stimulus) and has created the response of the pets running toward this sound (Conditioned answer). </u>Therefore this is an example of classical conditioning.