Biotic interacting with biotic is the answer.
Biotic=Alive such as plants,animal,and human.
The appropriate answer is B. Throughfall. These nutrients are transported via the process of throughfall where rain flows from leaves to the ground. Rainforests receive high annual rainfall. The leaves are also designed to funnel water to the ground soon after a shower. Leaves are equipped with drip tips to allow water to roll of leaves easily. Any particles deposited on leaves are going to be washed to the forest floor by frequent rainfall that occurs here.
6. Lion
9. A keystone is a organism that helps define the entire ecosystem, and if the species were to disappear from the ecosystem no other species would be able to fill its ecological niche the ecosystem would be forced to radically change allowing new and possibly invasive species to populate the habitat.
Although more offsprings are produced by the process of external fertilization but the process of internal fertilization is more efficient as compared to external fertilization. This is because, in external fertilization, it is more difficult for the sperm to find the egg and fertilize it. Even after fertilization, it might be that the zygote gets eaten up by a predator. There are none such risks in internal fertilization. The zygote is protected during the internal fertilization which makes this process more efficient.
The flow of energy starts in in you arms. You put your hands together, and use your arms to move your hands back and forth, this is kinetic energy. Your hands rubbing together causes the molecules to bump into each other, this is friction. As the molecules bump into each other they begin to move faster, and the fast movements of the molecules is what creates heat.