Answer: (B) Mann is enthusiastic about his ability to help others with his Bicycle Lending Library.
I am unsure as to which book or text this refers to but the phrase ''<em>Head over Heels</em>'' is used to describe a person who is very much in love with or enthusiastic about something. For instance, ''Mark is head over heels for badminton'' means that Mark really love badminton.
In using the phrase ''head over wheels'', the author is making a play on the phrase to describe that Mann is enthusiastic about something bicycle related so the option that he is enthusiastic about his ability to help others with his Bicycle Lending Library must be right.
This poem is a celebration of love, innocence, youth, and poetry. Since the traditional image of shepherds is that they are innocent and accustomed to living in an idyllic setting, Explanation:
<h2>First, you should write your goal using positive and not</h2><h2>negative language. Next, make sure you find people who</h2><h2>will support you as you try to reach your goal. Finally, give</h2><h2>yourself a reward every time you make a small step toward</h2><h2>the bigger goal. If you follow these guidelines, your goal is</h2><h2>more likely to be a successful one.</h2>
A. People set both professional and personal goals,
B. There are several things to do when setting a goal.
C. Many schools offer classes on how to set goals.
<h3><em><u>D</u>. People who set goals tend to do more in life than people who</em><em> </em><em>don't.</em></h3><h3 /><h3 />