Some things only need one thing to live, food. While others like us humans need more than one thing to live. We can not fully live in the prospect of freedom until we have gained all of the necessaries of life.
It can distract people.
Like on the road or may cause them to run into people because they are staring at their phones.
100*3 =300 so delete this app
A clause is a group of related words containing a subject and a verb A clause can be usefully distinguished from a phrase, which is a group of related words that does not contain a subject-verb relationship, such as "in the morning" or "running down the street" or "having grown used to this harassment." A review of the kinds of phrases might be helpful.Learning the various terms used to define and classify clauses can be a vocabulary lesson in itself. This digital handout categorizes clauses into independent and dependent clauses. This simply means that some clauses can stand by themselves, as separate sentences, and some can't. Another term for dependent clause is subordinate clause: this means that the clause is subordinate to another element (the independent clause) and depends on that other element for its meaning. The subordinate clause is created by a subordinating conjunction or dependent word.