C. Emergency Management Assistance Compact.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact is a non-binding, collaborative arrangement among its members that provides a legal framework for states to assist one another in managing a disaster or an emergency that has been declared by the governor of the impacted state.
Emergency Management Assistance Compact is a mutually help agreement reached between the states and territories of the United States and this reach agreement made it possible for states in the United States to share resources when witness either natural or man made disaster.
He did give citizenship to Athenians who didn't own land.
Peter is at the conventional stage of moral development.
The conventional stage of moral development involves internalizing the norms and moral values of society by obeying the law and authority figures. Peter seems to be at the fourth stage of Kohlberg's theory moral development, known as "Maintaining Social Order". In this stage, individuals make moral judgements and decisions in order to obey and comply with official laws and rules of society.
The two different goals that the criminal justice has are to prevent crime and reform the offenders. the first aim is to prevent crime from happening in the first place with the use of general deterrence in hopes that before committing people will weigh the pros and cons of the action. the second aim is to reform the offenders by changing the stimuli that caused them to commit a crime in order to ensure that they become productive, law-abiding members of society.