it gets lower
when milk begins to ferment it gets sour becoming more acidic and the pH gets lower.
1. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek made the first microscope and used it to look at bacteria and study bacteria, and Robert Hooke studied cells and saw cavities in the cells that looked like small boxes - he discovered plant cells! he recognized cells as the basic unit of life, a basis for Cell Theory.
2. cell theory is: every living organism is made of one or more cells, cells are the smallest units of life ( that have the properties of a living thing), All cells come from other cells - all living things come from other living things. This relates to every living thing because all living things come under cell theory - like all living things are made of cells
3. prokaryotes, like bacteria, doesn't have a nucleus covered in a membrane. a eukaryotic cell, like an animal cell, has a membrane covered nucleus. just like the nucleus, in eukaryotes the organelles are not membrane bound. in prokaryotes, the organelles are membrane bound. In prokaryotes the DNA form is circular, while the DNA form in eukaryotes is linear. there are more, but i couldn't list them.
4. Example for prokaryote: the famous (or infamous) E. Coli bacterium. example for eukaryote: Humans!
5. Single-celled organisms (unicellular organisms) have all the functions necessary for their survival in the single cell. Multicellular organisms (many celled organisms), however, need many cells to survive and carry out all the functions necessary for their survival and do the different tasks each cell is supposed to do.
I hope this helped, please do correct me if I am wrong!
Answer: Estrogen, beside FSH and LH, causes a girl's body to develop and plans her for pregnancy. So that's what's truly happening amid adolescence it's all these unused chemicals moving around interior your body, turning you from a adolescent into an grown-up with grown-up levels of hormones.
The wavelength of any wave with a constant speed is inversely proportional to its frequency, because as something vibrates more frequently, there is less time between one vibration and the next. Each complete vibration is one wavelength, so if there is less time, it can only go a shorter distance.
I believe the answer is B.