(6)Russia- 144.5 Million
(5)Germany- 83.02 Million
(3) France- 66.99 Million
(2) United Kingdom- 66.65 Million
(4) Italy- 60.36 Million
(1) Spain- 46.94 Million
The correct answer is - True.
The transform boundaries of the tectonic plates are boundaries where two tectonic plates are sliding against each other. As they do that, they do create geological activity around the boundary, and earthquakes are a common occurrence. Another trademark of these boundaries are the faults, that stretch for several km in a linear manner, usually parallel to the boundary itself. Most of these faults are located in the ocean basins and they are connecting the offsets of the mid-ocean ridges, but they can also be found on land, like it is the case in California.
animal interference and vegetation, as well as limestone crystallization.
The cell phones and firearms we use are examples of products which makes us as individuals to be influenced by global cities.
The cell phones makes communication easier unlike in the past where the main means of communication was through letter writing. Different phone applications also influences us because we adjust to the latest trends brought up by these global cities.
The firearms were made through technological innovations by these global countries. It’s now common in every country due to its strong influence on others. It makes warfare and self defense easier and more sophisticated.