Elements of personal and official letters
did you mean what did it mean or what?
this is also what i thought:Personal letters include personal and interesting details, are either handwritten or typed, and use indented paragraphs. Typical components of a personal letter include a date, greeting, introduction, body, conclusion, closing nicety, and signature.
Romaji is the representation of Japanese sounds using the western, 26-letter alphabet.
Fixed Deposit is a financial instrument issued by banks or NBFCs that provides borrowers with a higher interest rate than a normal savings account, until the due date. They may or may not require a separate account to be established.
Pass one official Home Langauge with a mark of 40% or more. – Pass four subjects with 50% or more, excluding Life Orientation – Pass any two other subjects with more than 30%
This question is about the article "Cinderella, the Legend"
The author's purpose in placing such disparate references is to intensify the idea of how the Cinderella story can be associated with the most different works, in addition to a comprehensive and diverse power of influence.
In the article, the author shows the reasons that led the Cinderella tale to become the most popular fairy tale. These reasons not only make Cinderella's story loved, but also provide insights for other works and thoughts to be formed. An interesting factor about this influence of the story, is that its influence power is very comprehensive and can be seen in the most different works already published, being even able to be referenced in religious texts and biographies, as the article presents.