Manifest Destiny was largely led and carried out by white americans seeking the westward expansion to increase the boundaries of the United States. African Americans were impact largely because as westward expansion continued new states were brought into the union with legalized slavery in places like Texas. This had an overall negative impact on African Americans by increasing the demand for slavery and expanding the institution of slavery westward. For the Native Americans Manifest Destiny was a major catastrophe leading to the ethnic cleansing and removal of Native Americans from their homes and lands. This removal often occurred with force with high rates of violence.
The island acted as a central point for either the Axis or Allied forces.
Midway, as the name suggested, sat in between Hawaii and Japan making it an important military point. Midway allowed whoever held the island to have a naval advantage in attacking the other side. The US wanted it to launch an attack on Japan and Japan wanted the island to set up against the US.
bc of the cuban missile crisis
A Use First Pattern means that the associated brain-mind interface filter is partially open.