The answer is D. Metaphor
A metaphor a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. Unlike a simile, it doesn’t use the words like or as to compare to things. So when you look at the sentence it says “The goalkeeper was a rock...” We know that the goalkeeper isn’t actually a rock, but the sentence is comparing the goal keeper to a rock without using the words “like or as”
when you set goals for yourself, you tend to go through them and want to succeed in them
1. Brandi Levi
2. She didn’t make the team
3. 14
4. A social media platform
5. Disrespectful words against the team
6. She couldn’t be on the team for a year
Hope that helps, this was really simple if you just read through it!!
2. When he's standing in the jungle