Inside these factories there sometimes were no good ventilation(no windows), many frequent accidents would happen and many children would start working very early maybe starting by the age of 6 yrs old if there parents weren't there to supervise them
Haitian rebellion was a revolt consisting of 10,000 slaves approximately against the tyrannical rule of France that lasted long 15 years, it concluded in 1789. It was significant and frightening to some because the Haitians defeated Napoleon Bonaparte's army and abolished slavery, becoming the only nation in the world established as a result of a slave revolt and the first Latin American country to successfully rebel against France rule.
France and other European powers feared that the black people's determination and success would serve as an example for others slaves and people under their dominion and tyrannical rule to rebel as well.
England was the first to split.
The burden which Europeans have to bear is called white guilt. This is a burden often attributed to European and American white people who are responsible for all the bad deeds their ancestors commited against other races.