The topic is the debate between online and in-person education, and B introduces this, which will be the subject of the rest of the essay / article
<span>The conclusion that readers can draw about this character vs. society conflict is that "</span>Zeitoun and his friends are presumed guilty of serious offenses." We can conclude that they are accused of the crime by the society. This will lead to the conflict that because of the society's accuse,they can be sentenced into guilt.
George and Lennie have a dream: to scrounge enough money together to someday buy their own little house and a plot of land to farm. They dream of roots, stability, and independence. They encounter other dreamers in their travels, those grasping for a tomorrow that seems always just out of their grasp.
The mood here is one of uncertainty, the character is not exactly afraid but he is most certainly in an unknown place. His first reaction is to take in his surroundings and analyze his position. This shows ,in this scene at least, that the character is not one to be scared of unusual circumstances.