Cause to feel embarrassed or ashamed
(What I think is the) answer:
How someone talks of something through their perspective.
With a colleague (workplace mate) you'd talk from a professional standpoint but if you were to talk with a friend you'd speak more casually about stuff.
1. Is it hard?
2. Do you miss going to school?
3. Do you feel bored?
4. Is it difficult?
5. Are you okay with it?
6. Do you get to see your family?
7. How are you doing?
8. Do you like it?
9. If you could change something about it what would it be?
10. what do you like most about it?
11. What do you hate most?
12. Are the classes easy?
13. Are they hard?
14. What classes are you taking?
15. How are you emotionally?
16. Do you get to talk to your friends?
17. Learn anything new?
18. How are your grades?
19. Do you miss your friends?
20. When are you coming back to school?
D. Wistful longing for the past. None of the other answers define nostalgia
D) well done is better than well said. Walking the walk means doing something while talking the talk means talking about something