D. The Kansas-Nebraska Act states that slaves were only allowed in the states below a certain point. And that the number of slave states and free states must remain equal.
Rising out of the Federalist v. Anti-Federalist debates, it featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states: the Federalist Party, created largely by Alexander Hamilton, and the rival Democratic-Republican Party formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
The cotton gin changed the textile industry by making cotton far easier to sort, greatly increasing the output of available cotton and therefore causing the price to drop. The cotton gin works by separating the cotton fluff that will be made into fabric from seeds and dirt. Previously, picking these seeds out of cotton took a great deal of time and energy, but the invention of the cotton gin in 1794 sped up the process, allowing farms to produce far more cotton and increasing the amount of cotton available for making clothing.
Homestead Act
The legislation that most contributed to the situation in this photograph is "Homestead Act".
From the photograph, we can discover a family sitting in front of a house. The house is likely the family's homestead.
The Homestead Act is an Act of 1862 that enabled adult to own land. The adult must not have taken up any arm against the Federal government of the United States. The Act also included black Americans and encouraged them to participate.
Some of the requirements needed in order to qualify for the Homestead Act is that the person must be the head of the household or reached at least twenty-one years of age. The individual must live on the designated land, farm on it for minimum of five years and build a home.
The above requirements stated can be deduced in the photograph.