Im not really good with essays,but i can give you an idea.
I think the best way to learn things is to find an interest in it and continue doing some research on it until you have a good understanding of it.Thing like a new sport or experiment
The globalisation of food is one of the most obvious examples of cultural globalisation – food consumption is an important aspect of culture and most societies around the world have diets that are unique to them, however the cultural globalisation of food has been promoted by fast food giants such as McDonald's
The western region for ex texas anthor ex west cost
It is used for transporting food i think and other things like oil for your hair and to brush your teeth and they use it in factories try one of them.
Latitude is basically the measurement of distance on a map of the earth's surface location of north or south of the Equator which is expressed in angular measurements from 0 degrees at the Equator to 90 degrees (i.e 90° North or 90° South). Latitudes are used interwoven with longitude.
Latitude can impact our lives in various ways:
Help in pinpointing the exact location of each point on the earth which allows human beings to know where we are.
Helps in determining the climatic situation of a region due to their geographic location
Extremely important for/in GPS
Helps in determining times (zone)and dates
Extremely useful for many fields that deal with the earth and outer space to some extent such as astronomy in their astronomical observations, geologist, etc, and sailors to navigate.