As far as i know, it is Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN). You can read more about this here:
You should send a Carbon Copy to your manger. You would type your manager's email into the slot next to cc.
Standard Tree Protocol (STP) is a networking protocol that was made by Radia Perlman. It makes a single path over a network, averting any loops from happening. Even if there are multiple paths to the same destinations. It has two never versions which is 802.1s and 802.1w.
If you’re using a Windows computer, the best way to transfer photos from your iPhone to your computer is via USB cable.
First, plug your phone into your computer using the phone’s USB Cable. The Photo app should launch automatically then click the Import button. Check to select the photos you wish to transfer. Once you checked all the photos you wish to transfer, click on Continue. Click Import to start the transfer.
Don't respond to it. Either leave it there, or just delete it. It is most likely spam or a scammer trying to get your information. Don't respond, please.