The correct option is "D"
Many were the consequences for Latin America.
The commercial monopoly disappeared and, therefore, the protectionism, with the consequent impoverishment of many Hispanic-American regions, unable to compete with the
Independence allowed countries the opportunity to develop according to their own needs and to apply more equitable justice among their ethnic components.
Although no changes were intended in the territorial structure derived from Uti possidetis, the independence movement had a disintegrating effect that was the cause of the fragmentation of the old viceroyalties and captaincies in several nascent countries, so that the independence movement continued its political process more beyond emancipation proper.
Regarding slavery, we see that it continued for a certain period of time, in some cases like Argentina and Chile, the freedom of the womb was proclaimed in the years 1813 and 1811 respectively, but the prohibition of slavery was only seen in the constitutions that emerged after the 1850s
I thinks it both A and C are Multi-Enthic States
Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod.
In nearly all the countries surveyed, large majorities believe it is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values. Clear majorities in almost every country believe that Western music, movies and television have hurt moral standards. South Africa and Guinea Bissau are the only exceptions to this finding, and even in those nations a plurality of the survey respondents view Western entertainment as exerting a harmful moral influence. On the other hand, majorities in most countries say they personally like Western TV, movies and music, with Christians particularly inclined to say so. And in many countries, people are more inclined to say there is not a conflict between being a devout religious person and living in modern society than to say there is a conflict.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”