So white blood cell’s(WBCs for short) main job is to fight infections.
They do this by swallowing the infection.
You see,WBCs do not have a permanent shape.this means that they enlarge and decrease size of parts of their body.So they grow two long arm like structures called pseudopodia which swallow the infection.(pseudopodia means false feet).
You can see the process in the photo I attached from google
Approximately 20,500 genes
The Human Genome Project (HGP) was a 13-year international research effort aimed at determining the entire DNA sequence of the human genome. The HGP was launched in 1990 and completed in April 2013. This project helped to identify and physically map all the genes of the human genome. The sequence obtained from the HGP has been a very useful point of reference in order to identify and characterize mutations associated with genetic disorders. The HGP predicted approximately 20,500 genes (each of them produces an average of three proteins), which are distributed in the 23 pairs of chromosomes in the cells of our body.
Mostly bacillus (bacteria with cylindrical/rod shaped morphology) I'm pretty sure, you don't see any type of coccus (bacteria with spherical morphology) with flagella.
The tracing of uterine activity measured with a solid-tipped intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) depicts no contractions. However, you are palpating contractions that are strong in intensity with a frequency of every 3 minutes and a duration of 60 seconds. A possible cause for this finding is (select an answer): The connections to the system are not connected.
An IUPC counts the number, length, and force of contractions. During palpations peaks of strong intensity is recored.As in this case IUPC seems to be not connected as its near impossible to get no contractions when palpation are high.
And one unit is the amount of pressure required to raise a mercury column by one millimetre. The intensity of the contraction is assessed from the baseline (when the uterus is relaxed) to the rise of the contraction and is recorded in units. According to studies, after spontaneous labour, 200 units of contractions per 10 minutes are typically sufficient for vaginal birth.
To learn more about palpating contractions click here
The transfer of mature pollen grain from anther of the flower to the stigma of the same flower of the same [species is called self pollination.
Generally, the transfer of pollen grains by wind,animals,and water to stigmas is called pollination. It is a means of vegetative propagation which ensures reproduction.
Therefore during self pollination, the same genes are distributed from one generation to another. Thus genetic purity is ensured. It also ensured reproductive success. because there is little chance of the pollen grain getting lost in transit. It is also certain a particular plant would always breed true.
Additionally it prevent the process of transfer of genes in some transgenic crops( rice, maize) where through genetic engineering some genes are introduced in their genome.
The only negative effect is lack of genetic diversity. Therefore after a period of time the plants get weak and prone to diseases and infection. Because of poor resistant from lack of variation.