Answer:They sincerely practice sustainability
What does sustainability means in terms of the environment and it resources ?
Sustainability means we practice using the current resources without outstriping them in a way that may affect their ability to recover naturally or in a way that will affect their availability for the future generation.
They looking after the environment at all cost for example making sure that they don't overfish .
They want to protect their environment by not outstriping the resources or damaging the natural state of the environment which may make its vulnerable.
Answer:it affect the community positively because the more learned people are in the community the better the community becomes .
Learned people are able to attract positivity to the community through them being able to go to the right places to request certain basic needs of the community .
They can also be able to encourage the community member to have the voice and not fear to voice out their needs
Market prices are determined through buying and selling decisions.
The answer is the digital divide.
This concept refers to the unequal distribution of digital technology among different groups. Some criteria include their geography and class satatus. The digital divide mostly occurs due to the high expenses of acquiring said technology.
Although initially the phenomenon was seen as a matter of <em>having</em> the technology, today is considers access and usage.