The answer for the blank space given in the question is a type of arrow called four-headed arrow.
Four-headed arrow can be found in many computer software and applications, including in Microsoft Excel. Generally, <u>it is used to move an object from one place to another.</u> In the given scenario described at the question, it is used to move a cell from one location to another.
I have a very good example of the program you need written on Python. You can use this (sorry for bad tabulation):
import math
import math
def main():
function = input("Enter a function f(x):\n")
x = 0
y = 0
for rows in range(10,-11,-1):
for col in range(-10,11,1):
roundfx = round(eval(function))
if roundfx == rows:
print("o", end="")
if rows==0 and col==0 and not rows == roundfx:
print("+", end="")
if col == 0 and not rows == 0 and not rows == roundfx:
print("|", end="")
if rows==0 and not col==0 and not rows == roundfx:
print("-", end="")
if not rows == 0:
if not col == 0:
if not rows == roundfx:
print(" ", end="")
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