El mar Caribe es un mar abierto en el océano Atlántico tropical.
Overlap happens when both speakers speak at the same time without any of them giving up the floor.
Turn-taking is when a. conversation is. carried out without overlap. Here both the speaker and the listener takes turn to say what they have in mind.
Here, one is the speaker when he is speaking, once He is done and the other person takes over the discussion, He becomes the listener.
This is to facilitate an agreeable level of communication where both parties get to hear the other person out and understand their point of view.
Adults need to encourage turn-taking in children to enable them learn the difference between the speaker and listener.
In terms of formal powers in the realm of foreign policy - <em>b. the president and Congress share power.</em>
Congress’s function is to act as an overseer over president's powers, which is guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
<u>Although only Congress can declare war, there have been many cases where president have started a war without Congressional assent.</u> For example, the Vietnam war lasted for a decade without official declaration of war. Also, Harry Truman (1884 – 1972) called Korean War a police action to get around congressional approval.
I believe it would be <span>the high fertility rate in sub-Saharan Africa