La democracia participativa es una forma de democracia en la que los ciudadanos tienen mayor participación en la toma de las decisiones políticas que la que les otorga tradicionalmente la democracia representativa. La democracia participativa permite una participación ciudadana mayor que en democracia representativa pero menor que en la llamada democracia directa y equivalente en muchos de sus mecanismos a la democracia semidirecta.
Sus antecedentes ideológicos hacen «una distinción entre el individualismo –al estilo de Rousseau– y la dignidad de la persona humana. Como individuo, el ser humano no es más que un fragmento de la sociedad, pero como persona investida de su dignidad y derechos, es depositario de los intereses y aspiraciones de la sociedad en pleno.»1 Este concepto lo desarrolló ampliamente Jacques Maritain en dos de sus obras: Humanismo Integral y El Hombre y el Estado. Además, Sir Arthur Lewis, laureado con el Premio Nobel, señaló que todos aquellos afectados por una decisión deben tener la oportunidad de participar en el proceso de tomar esa decisión, ya sea en forma directa o mediante representantes electos.2
Su mecanismo puede definirse con mayor precisión como un modelo político que facilita a la ciudadanía su capacidad de asociarse y organizarse de tal modo que puedan ejercer una influencia directa en las decisiones públicas. En la actualidad se manifiesta usualmente por medio de una diversidad de procedimientos, como presupuestos participativos, consejos vecinales o comunales o consultas populares.3 En una etapa más avanzada, el proyecto fundamental de la democracia participativa es la creación de un mecanismo de deliberaciones mediante el cual el pueblo, con su propia participación, esté habilitado para manifestarse por igual con puntos de vista tanto mayoritarios como minoritarios. Sin negar que todo sistema democrático eventualmente ha de descansar en decisiones mayoritarias, los mecanismos o instituciones de participación tienen el propósito de hacer hincapié en el pleno respeto a las minorías, sus opiniones y su amplia manifestación a través de un mecanismo participativo e institucionalizado
Answer: Experimental Method
The field of psychology has several research methods for the study of human behavior and its different forms. There is what is called experimental psychology, which expresses that psychological phenomena can be studied through the experimental method through observation, manipulation, and recording of the variables that affect the object of study.
The experimental method expresses that one or several variables are manipulated to determine their effect on an independent variable. In this case, rap music is set to see how it influences aggressive behavior and is analyzed because this type of music may have a certain relationship with the behavior.
In the experimental method, humans and animals are used to know the behavior that an individual may have when exposed to other variables that may interfere with their behavior. This type of experiment is usually done more in animals than in people because researchers can dispose of them at any time and in turn have more control. Besides, some experiments cannot be carried out in human beings due to ethical issues since if they are carried out they could put the person's health at stake.
1.The Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company was a company created as joint venture by Standard Oil of New Jersey, the Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, the Texas Company and the Standard Oil of California in order to run and build the Trans-Arabian Pipeline.
2.Basically it shut down due to various political and economic reasons. The part of the pipeline was after the six-day war under the control of Israel, but they allowed it to function. The constant bickering over transit fees between Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and the pipeline breakdowns as well as the development of bigger oil tankers led to the closing of the portion of the pipeline. Saudi Arabia closed the rest after Jordan supported Iraq in the first Gulf War. The company became the subsidiary of Aramco and as the oil stopped flowing Aramco closed the subsidiary.
Answer: True
Monopolizing aims at an individual gaining control over an event or a situation than any other person. The focus is usually on the individual.
General Urquiza called a constitutional convention that met in Santa Fe in 1852. Buenos Aires refused to participate, but the convention adopted a constitution for the whole country that went into effect on May 25, 1853. Buenos Aires recoiled from the new confederation, the first elected president of which was Urquiza and the first capital of which was Paraná. The porteño dissidence was a serious financial handicap to the state, since Buenos Aires kept for itself all the revenues from customs duties on imports. In 1859 Urquiza incorporated Buenos Aires by armed force, but he also agreed to a constitutional revision that underscored the federal character of the government.
Before the unification took effect, however, Urquiza was succeeded in the presidency by Santiago Derqui. Another civil war broke out, but this time Buenos Aires defeated Urquiza’s forces. Urquiza and General Bartolomé Mitre, governor of Buenos Aires, then agreed that Mitre would lead the country but that Urquiza would exercise authority over the provinces of Entre Ríos and Corrientes. Derqui resigned, and Mitre was elected president in 1862; Buenos Aires became the seat of government.
The authority of the new president was progressively weakened by opposition within his own province of Buenos Aires. The pressures of this opposition forced Mitre to intervene in the political struggles of Uruguay and then to fight Paraguay in the War of the Triple Alliance. From 1865 to 1870 an alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay carried on a devastating campaign against Paraguay, employing modern weapons and tens of thousands of troops.
The war with Paraguay did not disrupt Argentina’s commerce, as other wars had. In the 1860s and ’70s foreign capital and waves of European immigrants poured into the country. Railroads were built; alfalfa, barbed wire, new breeds of cattle and sheep, and finally the refrigeration of meat were introduced.