It's really more about a lack of educating the children living in poverty that they can get out and how to do it. There is a lot of negative influence that can surround these kids and it is easier from them to make bad choices because of their surroundings. My Dad grew up the 11th out of 12 children in a two bedroom house while his family was on welfare because his father passed away of TB when he was just 3. He went into the Marines and fought in Vietnam so he could get his education paid for. He went on to get his Masters and and works R&D for Intel. He was motivated by wanting something better for himself and was told the Marines could help him get out and make something of himself.
Jane Addams and Theodore Roosevelt
The Progressive Era in the history of the United States of America spanned between 1890s to the 1920s and there were aggressive political and social reforms which helped the nation grow better in the expected direction.
Jane Addams, born in September 6, 1860 was one of the notable Americans, who were the reformers at that time. She helped the nation by placing emphasis on certain issues affecting mothers ranging from the needs of children to public health of the local inhabitants.
Theodore Roosevelt, born in October 1858 was one of the reformers who dominated the political landscape at that time. He was the 26th president of the United States and he worked towards the realization of fairness in the dealings of citizens, the regulation of rail roads and good drugs and foods.
The 3 G's: God, gold, and glory.
viking's reasoning: Northwest passage
france's reasoning: fur, friends, and fish
dutch/netherland's reasoning: trade/mercantilism (goods and slaves- they were BIG slave traders back in the days)
britain's reasoning: religious freedom, religion, opportunity, and power
Definition: Usually a numerical measure of quality of life in a country. Indicators are used to illustrate progress of a country in meeting a range of economic, social, and environmental goals.