Hard question-..........................
Mars =)
Contrast is the obvious difference between two or more different objects when they are put together or compared. A contrast is formed when things, people, places or concepts are put together or compared in order to show their differences.
Hope this helps
Value The lightness or darkness of tones or colors. White is the lightest value; black is the darkest. The value halfway between these extremes is called middle gray. Space An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art .
I would say false, video games are complicated no matter how simple they look
2mWb is to be produced in the air gap of the magnetic circuit shown in figure 21.17.Relaqtive permeability ?r of the core material may be assumed to be All the dimensions shown are in cm and the sectional area is 25cm2 throughout.