Indroduction - Washing our hands is essential to
prevent the spread of infectious
Body - Germs pass from our hands to our
mouths when we handle food with
unwashed hands. A number of infectious diseases such as
influenza, hepatitis A, or gastroenteritis
can spread from one person to another
through touch. A good practice is to wash your hands
with liquid soap for 15 to 20 seconds
or longer.
Conclusion - You can now see how just a little time
spent washing your hands can save
you from some major illnesses.
Predicate adjective and direct object
Honestly , i like Joji
My favorite song is Yeah Right
another one i personally like is Ian Dior
Besides stating that the correct answer is the first one (the church lost some of the influence it had during the height of the French Revolution), here is the explanation to better grasp the concept:
The Concordat of 1801, is an agreement signed on July 15th, between Napoleon, and the church representatives, in Rome and Paris.
This agreement defined the position of the Roman Catholic Church in France, put an end to the rupture caused by the reforms carried out by the church, and the confiscations that took place during the French Revolution.
This agreement, gave the first Consul (Napoleon), the right to nominate bishops, and new seminaries were established.
The correct answer is C.
In the 'Black Snake' the spaker' is fearful so is the speaker in 'A Narrow fellow in the Grass'. Of course, there is a combination of feelling other that fear, but this last one is present in both titles.