Hi there Foodalexandre! The question is good to revise knowledge on the concepts of classes and inheritance. Please find the answer with explanation below.
We can use a number of different object-oriented programming languages to implement this solution in, such as Java, C++, Ruby, etc. I have chosen to use Python as the language to implement because of the ease with which it can be used. First, I have defined the Vehicle class based on the description from the question, where the constructor (the __init__ method) initializes the door count and the engine sound, and the original Move() method belonging to the Vehicle class is defined. Then I define the Car class which inherits from the Vehicle class making it inherit the Vehicle properties, and initialize the Car class to have door count of 4 and engine sound as 'rrrrrr'. Defining the Move() method again in the Car class overrides the one in the Vehicle class, and the RoadTrip() method is added to return the string as requested in the question.
class Vehicle(object):
def __init__(self, door_count, engine_sound):
door_count: door_count
engine_sound: engine_sound
def Move()
return ‘rrrrrr’
class Car(Vehicle):
def __init__(self, door_count, engine_sound):
super().__init__(4, ‘rrrrrr’)
def Move():
return ‘vrumm’
def RoadTrip()
return “Not a care in the world”
Information/knowledge resources
The process of looking for answers to questions that will lead to improved knowledge about a subject is known as an inquiry. The theories of enquiry includes abduction, induction, and deduction
An inquiry can provide the reasoning behind observation by making use of the theories of inquiry and sources that provide answers (information) about the (interrelated) events of the inquiry
Therefore, information and knowledge resources are the people, materials, and places, which can be in the printed, verbal, appearance form that have the capacity to proffer answers to inquiries
I guess the answer in the blank is processes.
Activities called processes involve the microprocessor receiving commands as software carries out tasks and while input arrives from the keyboard, mouse, and other devices.
sales = float(input("Enter monthly sales amount: $"))
commission = 0.05
if sales> 500000:
commission = 0.1
print("You earned: $"+str(sales*commission))
I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps.
Is it a multiple choice answer? if so would like to see the answers as there are TONS of effective ways and if i list one it may not be in that list you have if its multiple choice.