Yes and no.
Yes because he could have been forced into this.
No because there could be parental consent.
1 what if the cookies where spiked. then what would he do?
2 if the cookies had something she was allergic to and they didn't ask
3 maybe their familie was being nice but i think the parole officer didn't trust them so led the exception to his wife to make sure
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Big Brothers Big Sisters of AmericaBig Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) is a mentoring program that matches an adult volunteer, known as a Big Brother or Big Sister, to a child, known as a Little Brother or Little Sister, with the expectation that a caring and supportive relationship will develop.
non-profit organization
non-profit organizationBig Brothers Big Sisters of America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to "create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth".
What you mean by this? um Order in the court?