High school is not just preparation for college. In fact, many students leave high school with no intention of going to college. Some join the military and others already have job prospects to pursue.
While preparing you for the future, high school is where you learn exactly what it means to be a good citizen. A major component of being a good citizen is interaction with your community. One of the most common ways of involving young adults in community activities is through volunteerism. In order to truly complete the education the public school system promises, high school students should spend time volunteering in their community.
"Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It's important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It's the way in which we ourselves grow and develop," said Dr. Dorothy Height, president and CEO of the National Council of Negro Women. What Height says is undeniably true, and it needs to begin in our educational system.
People who volunteer at an age where social interaction is essential, high school, will carry this message with them through life. The life lesson of service is just as important in "the real world" we teenagers so often hear about as that "A" on our last calculus exam.
Making community service a requirement ensures students will at least spend the minimum time volunteering in their community. If at least a third of these students are able to grasp the importance of community service, then they can take that skill and apply it not only to their professional lives but also to the general well being of their communities. If these same students use the lessons they learned from volunteering, they could solve many of today's economic and social problems.
By requiring students to do community service in high school, we are not only ensuring good and informed citizens, but also a better economic and social climate.
I believe that the theme is the narrators deeping insanity is being shown through his interactions with the raven.
Hope this helps!
Katherine Johnson loved math. Early in her career, she was called a “computer.” She helped NASA put an astronaut into orbit around Earth. And then she helped put a man on the Moon.
What Was Katherine Johnson’s Early Life Like?
As a young girl, Katherine loved to count. She counted everything. She would count the number of steps she took to the road. She counted the steps into church. She even counted the forks and plates when she washed the dishes.
Katherine loved to learn. She loved learning math the most. Katherine went through school quickly. She started high school when she was just 10 years old!
When she was 15, Katherine began college. She took classes to become a mathematician. That is someone who is an expert in math. She learned how to solve big problems by using math, especially geometry. Geometry is a kind of math that uses lines, shapes and angles. Katherine studied hard. She graduated from college when she was 18.
Giles Core is characterized as
1. A foolish man- Indirect Characterization
2. A courageous man- Direct Characterization.
The Crucible tells the story of a man named Giles Corey who voluntarily offered a piece of information that would cause people to suspect his wife as a witch. He mentioned that when his wife read a book, he found it hard to pray but hen she stopped reading the book, he could then pray. This made people suspect his wife to be a witch. Through his actions, the author indirectly characerized him as a foolish man.
He tried to correct that impression when instead of giving the name of a man suspected to be wizard, he rather chose to die. The author through this description directly characterized him as a hero.