Creatinuria - <span>An increased concentration of creatine in the urine.</span>
You can... Chronic Kidney Diseases doesn't't mess heavily with overall blood composition, neither does spread between people or is dangerous to donate. There are several instances where one may not donate blood; blood transmitted disease like HIV or Syphilis, or a clotting factor deficiency, which is hemophilia, which while not exactly anything to worry about bloodwise, is much more dangerous to the person donating it, as without proper equipment or medication, a patient can bleed out.
a. Capillary refill is less than 3 seconds
d. Urine output is 360 mL in 4 hours
e. Urine specific gravity is 1.020
You can wash your hands, get vaccines, and don’t share personal items.
In the recent years,advances in the agricultural field as well as genetic engineering field has made it possible to produce large number of crops which have increases source of nutrition in them. Due to this, conditions such as famine re being completely eradicated from the world. During the previous times, we see how enormous number of deaths were caused just due to lack of food and famine conditions.But in today's world, we hardly hear that a country has been hit by famine. Although some countries still have malnutrition in them but these situations are being tackled. Hence, easy access to food resources has turned the rich man diseases to become poor man's diseases too.