Equality is not done in our country india
Please file this under 'History' or 'Geography'.
It depends on one's perspective. A political leader from Pakistan may see it as the most triumphant. A homeless woman there may see that Pakistan failed her. An outsider may see it as less-than. It all depends.
Considering it is a Middle Eastern country with likely a lot of oil, it's already pretty powerful.
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Insert image
You can get an image using the "insert image" option of a word processing program. A word procesing program, such as Word, is designed to help you with text. This is a useful program when we are writing essays, stories or any other type of written work. However, this is not the only use that a word processing program has. For example, such a program can also insert images in a text. To do so, we need to go to the menu "insert" and select "image."