Strong and unique is something that is not a meaning of crucial weak is your weak and crucial is also weak so if you want the right stament then write a paper about weak and not strong and unique
<span>Intrinsic motivation is defined as performing an action or behavior because you enjoy the activity itself</span>
C. provides information without bias or opinion
Nursing an flood-affected mongoose to harbor in his home, Teddy's father let his son keep the small animal when he showed no aggressive signs. Time went by, and things seemed to be going okay; Rikki would come in and out as he pleased, and guard over his son at night. But when the two cobras (Nag and Nagaina) had snuck in their home to presumably kill him, his wife and their son, he was more than proud of the mongoose when Rikki killed one snake and chased the other out of the home.
1) i would describe her as a nice girl. she didn’t understand that her neighborhood was different from garden heights. she didn’t see that her neighborhood was “ghetto” and that garden heights was “a nice neighborhood” until she heard someone say it.
2) i think this because after she heard kenya’s parents say it was the ghetto, and heard that her other friend wanted to go home because she felt unsafe, she saw the difference between their neighborhoods.
hope this helped and if it did maybe consider giving it a brainly :)