In the first paragraph, MLK addresses the clergyman's words concerning the timing of the movement being "unwise and untimely", stating that he didn't have to take the time to answer the clergyman's questions, but because he respects them, he will answer their letter.
King's goal in issuing his "letter from a Birmingham jail" was to address criticisms directed against him by individuals who unarguably should have known better. The teachings of Jesus, he repeated, provided for the nonviolent activities that were solely intended to correct injustices.
C) It involves gods and goddesses
An INVASION of privacy. ♥
In the first stanza the poet says once he planted a seed in some good time that over the years blossomed into a beautiful flower; but people criticized it and called it a weed. All those who passed by his garden saw the flower and expressing their disapproval of its beauty would keep on criticizing
Team umizoomi was the show I grew up watching and it taught me how to solve problems in the real world using math skills and how they help people.