그래서 중국의 만리장성, 진시광 사후 사라졌다. 그리고 진시광이 죽고 진시왕조가 몰락하는 동안 그들은 900마일을 수리했습니다. 유명한 중국 장군 Meng Tian은 처음에 프로젝트를 감독했습니다,대부분 흙과 돌로 만들어진 이 성벽은 중국해 항구인 Shanhaiguan에서 서쪽으로 3,000마일 이상 뻗어 간쑤 성으로 뻗어 있습니다. 만리장성의 높이는 5~8m(16~26피트)입니다. 진지하게, 긴 시간이 걸립니다 – 전체 길이의 경우 최소 17개월
Translation: ( So the Great Wall of China disappeared after the death of Qin Shiguang. And while Qin Shiguang died and the Qin Shi Dynasty fell, they repaired 900 miles. Renowned Chinese general Meng Tian initially oversaw the project, mostly made of earth and stone, and the wall stretches more than 3,000 miles west of the China Sea port of Shanhaiguan and into Gansu Province. The height of the Great Wall is 5–8 meters (16–26 feet). Seriously, it takes a long time – at least 17 months for the full length.)
Answer: The most correct option is
"Malawi was a small, rural country on the African continent".
Explanation: From the excerpt, it is seen that the people of Malawi lacks electricity, and from an understanding of what urbanization is, it is only a rural part of the world that will lack electricity in this century. Because the people of Malawi only has access to kerosene lamp that means, they don't have electricity until the boy built a windmill.
Since the boy was able to build a windmill, that means they have the resources to generate energy.
The citizens may not be happy going to sleep early, but because staying awake with a kerosene lamp is boring to their sight, they have no option than to sleep early.
It was never mentioned that the government provides the lamp and kerosene for the citizens to read.
Letters are any of the 26 letters featured in the alphabet
Characters on the other hand can include all alphabetical letters however it DOES include symbols such as ,*/,?, etc. It can include numbers, underscores, dashes and emoticons as well.
a and c because it doesn't matter where you come from poor or rich people should be grateful for what they have