Gossipy because gossipying is sharing buisness that probably isn’t yours and being nosey is listening in on business .
I would rather come from old money because that insinuates that the money was probably inherited and so you never really needed to work to gain that money. You are automatically set from the beginning itself and so its easy. Gatsby had to work hard to make all the money he has and still he gets no respect or true reward whereas Tom gets all the respect and loyalty just because his family had gave him a good foundation and reputation to start with.
Can you send an image of the question?
c it should be more complex that organist research question
I'm doing this question right now
Simon Phillip Cowell is an English television personality, businessman and record executive. ... His father was from a mostly Jewish family, though he did not discuss his ... Cowell took a few menial jobs—including, according to his brother Tony, ..... The event raised $20 million and Cowell made a personal donation of ...