volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger, and anxiety. ...
Volunteering combats depression. ...
Volunteering makes you happy. ...
Volunteering increases self-confidence. ...
Volunteering provides a sense of purpose. ...
Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy.
Many folks who make use of child care expect the provider to provide ample opportunities for physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth, as well as the opportunites to learn skills and explore environments in a mostly-safe manner. A child care provider cannot make available appropriate opportunities and environments if they are unaware of how the children in their care develop. Environments and expectations appropriate to a child in one stage of development can be completely inappropriate for a child in another stage of development.
Lincoln talked about how each side asked for the help of god (the south asking to help keep slavery and the north to abolish it)
An ADG is an (attention getting device) is used to hook the viewer into reading or watching. Even if your book is super interesting halfway through, it's not compelling to make it that far if you don't have an ADG.