According to Luther, what will happen to people who pay the Catholic Church to get out of Purgatory and into Heaven? They will eternally be doomed. How did the printing press help Luther's protest against the Catholic Church?
From what i understand, the church liked the consistency of it, since it had been used in the liturgies and all for such a long time. hope that helps?
The sites of the camps—Topaz in Utah, Minidoka in Idaho, Gila River and Poston in Arizona, Heart Mountain in Wyoming, Amache in Colorado, Rohwer and Jerome in Arkansas, and Tule Lake and Manzanar in California—had been chosen for their remoteness, and for most internees they must have seemed as alien as the surface
found that on the web, I hoped it helped.
The religion of Ancient Greece was classified as polytheistic, which means that they believed in multiple deities. In fact, the gods and goddesses that we know as the Olympian Gods were something that many religious experts accept as being at the core of their belief system.