Biotic factors of an ecosystem are all the living organisms that affect other organisms in an ecosystem and include animals, plants, microorganisms, dead organisms, and even animal waste. Example of biotic factors include: Grass as producers (autotrophs).
The correct answer is codominant.
A phenomenon in which two heterozygous alleles get expressed completely in the offspring produced is termed as codominance, and the trait produced is termed as a codominant trait. In codominance, both the alleles show their presence, that is, none of them is considered dominant, and like incomplete dominance, the alleles do not get mixed up.
For example, in the given case, the crossing between a pink unicorn and a blue unicorn produces an offspring, which is demonstrating both pink and blue color fur. This shows that the phenomenon of codominance is taking place and the produced trait is an illustration of codominant trait, as the produced offspring is having both pink and blue color hair.
El tejido óseo sirve como depósito y fuente de calcio para estas necesidades metabólicas críticas a través del proceso de remodelación ósea. El metabolismo del calcio está regulado en gran parte por el sistema endocrino de la hormona paratiroidea (PTH) -vitamina D, que se caracteriza por una serie de circuitos de retroalimentación homeostática.
Because people don't pay attention to the road sometimes and they don't realize what is happening in front of then so they try to hit their breaks and there not fast enough so they just crash