The ozone later; chlorofluorocarbons
All plants are autotrophic.
Autotrophic means he doesn't need another living thing to live(for eating) but that he makes his own food (photosynthesis). (auto means itself).
Heterotrophic means he needs others to keep on living. Like animals. All animals need to eat and can't make their own food with only sunlight, CO2 and water. They need food, which may be plants or other animals. That depends on the animal.
Bee sting in a child is really a
concern than with the adult because this would cause anaphylaxis, which is a
fatal reaction of severe allergy. The effects are swelling, sweating, and pain,
difficulty in breathing, dizziness and shock. In this life-threatening
scenario, infant really needs immediate care for their immune system and other
body organs are not yet fully develop to fight for the allergic reaction.
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animals who eat the bark can spread it.