There are two types of fast twitch muscles (fast twitch oxidative glycolytic which are red in color, and fast twitch glycolytic which are white in color).
The waterborne disease that is caused by the protozoan present in both humans and wild animals' intestinal tract, that also occurs to the campers who are staying in the wilderness areas and were able to swallow pathogenic cysts when they are able to drink the water that is not even unfiltered, the water they usually drink are from the mountain and stream and the one responsible for it is the giardiasis.
Under the Berlin definition, patients with PaO2/FiO2 200-300 would now have "mild ARDS." Onset of ARDS (diagnosis) must be acute, as defined as within 7 days of some defined event, which may be sepsis, pneumonia, or simply a patient's recognition of worsening respiratory symptoms.
Material Manager or Scrub Tech. It depends on the hospital. A material manager orders supplies for the entire hospital while a scrub tech makes the supplies stocked in the operating room