Gay Lussac's Law - states that the pressure of a given amount of gas held at constant volume is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature. If you heat a gas you give the molecules more energy so they move faster. This means more impacts on the walls of the container and an increase in the pressure.
cell membrane
There are thousands of proteins embedded in the cell's lipid bilayer
As a general rule, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, look towards the southern skies to see the galactic core. This can be southeast (Spring), due south (Summer), or southwest (Fall) depending on the time of year. As mentioned above, Sagittarius is found nearest the galactic core.
- Short-term adaptation: feedback inhibition
- Long-term adaptation: regulation of gene expression
Feedback inhibition is a mechanism where the product of a chemical reaction is utilized to modulate its own subsequent synthesis. In bacteria, feedback inhibition allows regulating different metabolic pathways in response to environmental conditions by modulating enzyme activity through enzyme reaction products. Moreover, bacteria may also respond to environmental inputs by long-term changes in gene expression. For example, bacteria contain transcription factors activated during stress, which are able to activate the transcription of particular genes into messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that would subsequently be used to generate particular enzymes by the process of translation. These transcription factors may bind to specific DNA motifs in order to promote transcriptional activity, thereby regulating the production of the corresponding enzyme.
A. Mutualism
<u>Mutualism</u> The bristle worm living with the hermit crab.