By giving people more education, and remember they are using their money to give everyone else a bigger and brighter future of education, health, and more.
The relationship between the 1860 election and the civil war is that because Abarham Lincoln was elected it set off a kind of domino effect in which the southern states did not like that he was elected because they were primarly democratic. Because of this they decided to split off of the United states and create their own country. Lincoln was not going to allow the splitting of the states so the civil war insued as a kind of reunification.
The opera as a form of entertainment was largely limited to people with high incomes.
Opera originated in Italy at the end of the 16th century and it is a form of theatre in which music has a leading role and the parts are taken by singers. The audience wer weatlhy people from the high society.
Because nationalism is the love for your country. if you have nationalism, you want to fight for your country.
They were known during the colonial years to the French as the Iroquois League, and later as the Iroquois Confederacy, and to the English as the Five Nations, comprising the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, and Seneca