what are you trying to say........ is this a real question or are you trying to be contriversal
James Hutton argued processing occurring formation
I think it's false.
Because that depends on the country of that village.
Being primarily a teacher, Buddha traveled to nearby
kingdoms to share his insights with those who were receptive and interested. Likewise, he
instructed his monks to go forth in the world and present his teachings. He did not ask others
to criticize and give up their own religion and convert to a new one, for he was not seeking
to establish his own religion. He was merely trying to help others overcome the unhappiness
and suffering that they were creating for themselves because of their lack of understanding.
hope you like it
Word/name Hebrew
Meaning 'God Contended', 'Wrestles with God', 'Triumphant with God'
Other names
Related names Izzy, Isaac, Rae