Answer: True
The definition of minimum spanning tree(MST) says that the graph must be connected and undirected to be considered for MST. It has (V-1) edges where V is the number of vertices. The minimum spanning tree is implemented using Kruskal's algorithm whereby it starts by considering the minimum weighted edge and covers all the edges upto (V-1) edges. So for MST it has to be connected
This question has a ton of answers to it but, here are some basic ideas to help you out
- Cars 1900's vs today
- Computers 1980's vs today
- Guns 1800's vs today
- Televisions 1900's vs today
- Telescopes/Microscopes
see explaination
//selective dev elements by id name
var gradeA = document.querySelector("#GradeA");
var passing = document.querySelector("#Passing");
var learning = document.querySelector("#Learning");
//function showGrades
function showGrades() {
var arr = [];
//converting string to int and inserting into array
arr[0] = parseInt(gradeA.textContent);
arr[1] = parseInt(passing.textContent);
arr[2] = parseInt(learning.textContent);
//creating json blob
var blob = new Blob(new Array(arr), {type:"text/json"});
return blob;
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A pro of HCI technology is that its user friendly and a con about it is that you have to teach the user what to do or guide them!