Answer: John Deere made a new steel plow to make turning the prairies into farmland much easier.
The climate of the Midwest Region enhances its farming as it has a good climate and also, the region has a fertile, and deep soil made up of vital nutrients for the crops that are planted. Some of the crops that were cultivated include corn, squash, sunflowers, beans, sweet potatoes, etc.
A positive development of early farming in the Midwest was that John Deere made a new steel plow to make turning the prairies into farmland much easier. This was vital as it was used in the breaking down of tough soil
Stratification, is the right answer.
Social stratification is a sort of social differentiation whereby the population are classified into socioeconomic layers on the basis of their income, social status, wealth or derived power. In other terms, it is the social ranking of an individual within a social group or unit and geographic region.
IQ and achievement depend on the same abstract reasoning processes that underlie g.
This is the reason why Shayla's scholastic achievement is related to her IQ. A person's IQ is the person's "intelligence quotient." This is the score that derives from a set of standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. This term was created by doctor William Stern. Approximately two-thirds of the population of the world scores between IQ 85 and IQ 115, while 2.5% scores above 130 and 2.5% scores below 70.
Well organized action to eliminate a group.