"A set is an unordered collection. A dictionary is an unordered collection of data that stores data in key-value pairs."
Set =>
Collection of non-repetitive elements.
No way to change items.
Dictionary =>
Collection of key-value pairs.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct StudentType{
string studentName;
int studentId;
int n;
char answer[20];
int main(){
cout<< "Enter the size of the array: ";
cin >> n;
StudentType *student = new StudentType(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int name;
int number;
cin>> name;
cin >> number;
student[i].studentName = name;
student[i].studentId = number;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
cout<< "Enter answers: ";
cin >> ans;
answer[i] = ans;
The C++ source code has three global variables namely, answer which is an array of character data type, StudentType which is a structure data type and the integer variable n. The main function declares and initializes the dynamic-spaced student array of the structure datatype with the n variable.
A) The type of data it will hold
In most programming languages, a variable must be decalared before it can be used. Variable declarations allows the compiller to make provision of memory space for the variable so the type of data must be defined accordingly with the name of the variable because different data types occuppy different spaces in memory for example
An integer is 32 bit integral value
A char is 16 bit unicode value
A double is 64 bit floating point value
Answer: (D) It makes smaller collision domain and (F) It increases the number of collision domains.
The result of segmenting a given network with the bridge is that it basically break the domain of the collision that increases the domain number. In additionally, it also makes it more smaller.
Switch basically expands the quantity of collision network domain in the system. Switches are designed with V-LANs will diminish the given size of domain of the collision by increasing the number of the collision domain in the network.