It is surrounded by it's environment.
The “powerhouses” of the cell, mitochondria are oval-shaped organelles found in most eukaryotic cells. As the site of cellular respiration, mitochondria serve to transform molecules such as glucose into an energy molecule known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate).
Pinworms are also known as threadworm or seat worm in some countries. Its Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Secernentea
There are different types of pinworms in humans and animals. They spread by touching contaminated object they are also parasitic worms.
A hybrid vehicle has components from both gas-powered and electric car. it has a gas engine and an electric motor. the exact way the two different engines drive the vehicle vary with different models. Other components of gas-powered car present include transmission and steering. But the braking system is usually similar to an electric car which is regenerative to recover the mechanical energy. The energy is stored in batteries just like an electric car.