A friend of mine is giving a dinner party. his current winesupply includes 8 bottles of zinfandel, 10 of merlot and 12 ofcaberne
t (he only drinks red wine), all from different wineries. a.) if he wants to serve 3 bottles of zinfandel and servingorder is important, how many ways are there to do this?
b.) if 6 bottles of wine are to be randomly selected from the 30for serving, how many ways are there to do this?
c.) if 6 bottles are randomly selected, how many ways are thereto obtain two bottles of each variety?
d.) if 6 bottles are randomly selected, what is the probabilitythat this results in two bottles of each variety being chosen?
e.) if 6 bottles are randomly selected, what is the probabilitythat all of them are the same variety?