- Disapproving of gossip and badmouthing, so the friend can feel uncomfortable and stop doing such harmful things
- Forming a study group/competing for better and higher grades
- Tutoring other students to share knowledge
- Encouragement to join different clubs with special interests (Debate, drama, computer science, etc...)
- Saving money to buy things/getting a job together.
As you may have observed, all continuous tenses use a form of the verb 'be' and a present participle, whereas all perfect tenses use a form of the verb 'have' and a past participle.
Doing a good job on a task given is more important than rushing and doing a bad job and fail at the task given
It’s purpose is to B inform. Because you are trying to inform others about your side of the problem.
Military intelligence is a military discipline that uses information collection and analysis to provide guidance and assistance.
The Main role is to provide the accurate range of data in form of sources , mission requirements , planning and many other things related to missions. Area of Study includes many things like :
- Operational environment
- Hostile
- Friendly Forces
Intelligence is concerned with board of issues such as economics, political assessments, military capability . A great deal of useful intelligence can be gathered detailed high-altitude pictures of a country. Photointerpreters generally maintain catalogs of munitions factories, military bases and crate designs in order to interpret munition shipments and inventories.
For more information on intelligence , please refer the link :