TESTI: Directions: Read the statements carefully. Wnte Agree or Disagree on the following situations White your answers on the l
ine provided before each number 1 in creating an interesting design harmony and contrast are necessary 2. Color is one of the most dominant element 3 Contrast refers to the arrangement of elements. 4. A design without harmony is an appealing art 5. A repetitive pattem is an art 6. Sculpture is a 3D visual art created by simply shaping materials into objects without applying the elements and principles of arts 7. Concepts of lines and shapes are applied in sculpting 8 The elements and principles of art are shown on the objects around us 9. Bronze soap and sand are some of the matenals used in sculpting 10 With the advancement of technology sculpting can only be done manually
<span>One advantage of asymmetrical balance is the feeling is more casual</span><span>than that of a formal symmetrical portrait.
That's why this balance is also called informal balance and is used to highlight the delicate sense of balance that occurs in everyday life.</span>